Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NOTIFICATION: Another place to peep my words at!

Hey all,

So lately I've been writing the same quality goods for a site for writers called Peep my profile! It's a site with writers from all over the world on 30,000 different topics. Plus it's been around since '96 it's got a readership of 29 million a month. Cool!

So I sent them a couple articles, told them a paragraph about myself where I referred to myself as a "living legend", and voila! I've got a couple articles out so far on Lenny Breau and Jerry. Between you and me, I've got a couple just about cooked on some cool old school hip hop and Mordechai's Barney's Version.

Aight so it's good to have a place to write where I can chill...grateful for the blog again! I'll be back to drop some exclusive blog tings I can't drop anywhere else.

Check ya later, man.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Author: Robertson Davies; Novel: The Manticore

Robertson Davies’ novel The Manticore is a special work of fiction which has received well earned international critical acclaim for its narrative style, psychological insights and the overall lucidity with which the author communicates his understanding of human nature.

The Manticore is the second novel in what’s known as the Deptford trilogy, named for the fictional town where the protagonists grew up. It helps to have read Fifth Business, the book preceding this, but The Manticore can stand up on its own too, as allusions to the earlier book are made throughout.

During a teaching placement in a high school English classroom I was responsible for teaching Fifth Business, and this was my first contact with Davies. At first I had no interest in the author, but as I came to understand the irony in the narrator’s voice this changed. Initially I mistook the character’s rural plainness for that of the author’s! Grievous sin. I also learned about Davies’ fascination with the famous psychologist Carl Jung, and I began to appreciate another layer of meaning in what I was beginning to understand was a complex tapestry weaving together wordplay and psychology realism. Yet, despite the intellectual bent in his writing, the novel fostered the desire in the reader to turn the page. As mentioned, this was Fifth Business, but it’s even truer of The Manticore.

So, I was happy when I found a used copy of the entire Deptford trilogy in a used bookstore for $10: if only alcohol provided that same value and lasting pleasure!

The book’s most enjoyable features were revealed in dialogue, especially between the protagonist and his psychologist. Each character makes psychologically revealing statements which seem to summarize accurately the subconscious motivations behind the behaviour in question. But somehow, the next character obliterates this argument with another of even greater insight and force. They continue upping one another in this vein, each rebuttal more surprising than the last. The final psychological conclusion is all the stronger and more satisfying for having survived such scrutiny. His fascination with psychology and Jungian theory makes him especially equipped to write this kind of dialogue.

His classical education (especially his knowledge of Latin) makes his language remarkably precise, and gives his writing an old school sensibility. Davies has that rare, coveted ability to slap the reader with 1000 pounds of truth in the space of 10 words. But I find Davies’ most charming gift as a writer his ability to marry his old school, classical self with an ironic, humourous tone in his characters. It balances the tone and prevents the solemn, thought provoking themes in his novels from getting too dense or heavy handed. Looking at the author it wouldn’t be hard to confuse his face for a bust of a 5th century Athenian, but make no mistake, Davies has a wicked sense of humour and at the end of the day he is a modern who doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Plus he went to UCC and was the founding master of Massey College, associated with U of T, so he’s a reaaaal Toronto boy. Legend has it that on campus he challenged his students to throw water balloons at him. As a result, he could be found holding an umbrella on sunny days. A reasonable defensive tactic. Keeping this in mind when reading The Manticore should help bring his irony out in sharp relief. Check him out. More to come.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Artist: Bob Dylan; Album: Bob Dylan

This is a little talked about self titled album. It's a very atypical Dylan album because all the songs are covers. There's also no band. It's just him wailing on these old, traditional songs, and he kills it! Oh, it's also his first recording.

Because he didn't write these songs his prowess as a singer and guitar player is brought to the forefront. He's obviously, and justifiably, most noted as a gifted songwriter. While this is true, his nasal twang and GCD type progressions have a way of preventing people from really hearing the inventive melodies in his singing and his sophisticated accompaniment on his instrument. On this album, both are spotlighted and his talents are impossible to deny.

The layers between his guitar, harmonica, and his absolutely haunted voice, each contain their own bounce. When taken together, it's a a tapestry weaved by an undeniable master of traditional acoustic music.

But Perhaps what's more essential to the album than any technical accomplishments is the range of moods he captures as his songs vary so extremely in character. He convincingly switches from a light-hearted social observer to a desperate man on his deathbed managing that difficult balance, remaining undeniably Dylan without betraying the personality of the character in the song itself.

There are songs I had never heard, and the ones I had are completely transformed here, so in a sense are even newer.

Come to think of it, like the last album I reviewed, me and my buddy listened to this disc over and over on our way driving across the country from Vancouver. It has become a personal classic to me for that reason, but we knew it was special after very short time, so you don't need to have it be associated with a formative moment in your life to have it be meaningful. You also don't need to be a die-hard fan of Dylan or acoustic music to enjoy this, but if you are, don't let it pass you by!

Peace. More to come.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Artist: Talking heads; Album: Remain In Light

This music is some of the most exciting I've heard in years because it's a paradox: rhythmically it's simple but complicated, the melodies are are bizarre but they fit perfectly, and strangely, the music contains elements from lots of styles but it's impossible to classify what style it is.

There are a lot of simple, but sophisticated, layers but they become complex when taken together. Each layer is unique, and in this case, the sum equals more than the parts of the whole. Most bands have their own sound within a genre, which is cool, but here there is one feeling or spirit manifested in every instrument and every word which seems to come from the force of David Byrne's personality, opposed to any musical predecessors.

I was at first too blown away by the strange, unique character of the music to realise they are in fact virtuosos on their instruments. But dwelling on their technical skill isn't the point.

They don't fall into musical cliches without ever giving the impression they're actively avoiding them. There's a tremendous unity in the album, but it's is so different than any music I've ever heard it's hard to believe the album is 30 years old!

I have learned that their sound was called New Wave and they emerged from the New York art scene in the mid 70s and 80s. Figures. The sound is 'out there' but the lyrics are poetic, sensitive, and esoteric, and reading the words in the albums liner does a lot to show you they actually do hail from earth. They're certainly different though!

I bought this album just before driving home from Vancouver to meet a buddy. We drove for about 50 hours home and probably heard this album 30 times without ever getting tired of it. After the first hearing I knew it was great, and over time it's become a very classic album for me personally.

It is adventurous stuff, but I think it'd be a tragedy for serious fans of music to overlook this album. In anticipation of the talking Heads revival I'm predicting, newbies best start with Remain in Light.

More to come

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Old Renaissance Man--New Mandate

I'm back! Yes, I have decided to give the people what they have been begging for. Since last post I have realised that in the post-literate age of digital media people like reading short, digestible amounts: a child can drown in an inch of water; for adults, roughly 500 words. As such, shorter posts from now on. I will write more frequent posts concerning my two main interests: music and literature. However, I reserve the right to write about whatever new quirky thing I take up. I plan to tighten the focus towards literature reviews and music reviews. Lucky for you I've been reading and listening to a lot of good stuff.

My first literature review will be about the novel Suder by contemporary author Percivall Everett. But I will do it next blog. In fact, to prove how short the new posts will be, and how honest I was above, this one is over.